Landforms: Germany
Germany has many different landforms and forests. Germany is home to landformass such as; Wet lands, plateaus, mountains and the famous black forest. Germany has mountain rangGees such as the Harz and Volgesberg mountain ranges. The tallest mountain in the Harz mountain range is called Brocken and has a height of 3,744 feet, the Harz is located in the Thuringian district in Norhausen and approxiamtley 600,000 people live in the vilages surrounding the Harz. The tallest mountain in the Volgesberg mountain range is Taufstien and it's height is 2,536 feet. The Volgesberg mountains are located in Hessen and is the result of volcanic activity. There are wetlands in Germany called Eide-Treene depression. These wetlands are the largest wetlands in Germany and They cover 500 square kilometres. The Black Forest is a famous tourrist attraction in Germany bacause of its legends and black fir trees. The Black forest covers 160 km and is located in the southwest German uplands.

The black forest
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